I'm still unsure where January went, it feels like it didn't happen. However the sales of these best selling styles in January definitely did happen. I rounded up the styles that you loved most for the month, if you haven't snagged them yet it's time!
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A consistent best seller this classic pullover is a must have with leggings. I wear size xs, I like a little room in the hips.

ON SALE! Own and love this boxy fitting puffer shirt jacket, and essential for weekend sports games.

The mascara that stays on even when you rub your eyes. Forms tubes over your lashes making them look thick and fabulous.
A few more best sellers for January...
All things kids, from our favorite kids DJ mixer, Valentine's outfits, winter to spring jackets and more...
And here's what's been selling in home...My favorite new rug I scored from Target plus a few Valentine's goodies